"This search has progressed since the day of my birth, and hopefully it will end before I leave this earth. It shows its face not quite so often; when it is present my spirit it should soften. I never know when it is here or for how long; don't know if it will make me weak, don't know if it will make me strong. It may be defined by my actions, or what is done unto me; some may put a price on it, but it's a par of life that is free. I will go wherever the search takes me and walk in the shadows of the sun; I may rest one day, but it doesn't mean I will be done. I may find it with others, I may find it on my own; I'd like to share it with others because it is not mine to keep alone. For peach is what my soul truly cries, and for those who find it, their soul never dies."
Under Gleason